
DSATX Manual Copyright 2006 Mpegbox.com Page 9 of 13
last setting so if the Feed is turned off and then power is removed from VIN, the next time it powers up the
Feed will be still be off.
The Diagnostic Feed takes this format:
A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H :I: J
A: Ambient Temperature in Degrees C
B: Input Voltage at VIN
C: 12-Volt Rail Output
D: 5-Volt Rail Output
E: 3.3-Volt Rail Output
F: Low Voltage Threshold (P2 Adjusts this in Basic Mode)
G: Number of Seconds for main Shutdown Timer (P1 Adjusts this in Basic Mode)
H: Yes/No=Good/Bad : (VIN Voltage Good, Acc Pin High, Temp Good, PS_ON Asserted)
I: State of Shut Down Controller:
(0: Sleep, 1: Startup, 2: Running, 3: Count Down, 4: Shut Down)
J: Relative Count Value for Shutdown Counter (seconds)
4.5. Extended Basic Programming Examples
In the below example, we program the DSATX. Tell it to use the Pots (P1,P2) for the Timer1 (Main
Countdown Timer) and the low voltage threshold cutout (P2 selects a value between 10 and 12 volts).
Maxtimer1 is the maximum seconds you can set with the P1 Pot. Basically, if you set the pot half way and had
Maxtimer1 set to 1200, it would shutdown in 600 seconds. If you set the Maxtimer1 to 0060 you would have
between 0 and 60 seconds to select with the P1 Pot. You must type 4 numbers, Ex: 0123
>E ß Type the letter E
Enable Writing? y/n
>y ß Type the letter y
>P ß Type the letter P
Use POTs? y/n
>y ß Type the letter y
>1200 ß Type ‘1200’ (must type 4 numbers)
>n ß Type the letter n
In the below example, we program the DSATX to hard code the values for the Timer1 (Main Countdown
Timer) and the low voltage threshold. This will override P1 and P2 Pots. If you set LOWVOLTS to 1050, the
unit wouldn’t shutdown until it hit 10.50 volts on the VIN input. If you set Timer1 to 0600, then after 600
seconds of ACC going away, the computer will begin the shutdown sequence. We will also enable the
VTURNON feature so the computer will turn on only after the engine is running.
>E ß Type the letter E
Enable Writing? y/n
>y ß Type the letter y
>P ß Type the letter P
Use POTs? y/n
>n ß Type the letter n
>1050 ß Type ‘1050’ (must type 4 numbers)
>0600 ß Type ‘0600’ (must type 4 numbers)
>y ß Type the letter y