Display of running state
Besides displays on the front panel, this machine can also show the date, time and
the running state on the monitor screen.
Display of running state
There are some signals on the screen, as below:
If no signal on the screen,press “display” on the front panel, the running
line will show. Press it again, the state of HDD will show, press it for the
third time, the line will disappear.This button can change among running
state, HDD state and no display.
Time/date display
It will show on the right of the screen. (read “date and time setting” in the system
setting menu for the details).The time is set manually before use, and will keep
automatically. When the system is recording or stopping, it shows the current time;
when the system is playing record, it shows the record time; when pause, it shows the
time when you stop playing, the time keeps still.
Basic function display
The left of the state line means the running state of the machine. A red bell
means alert,a red circle means record, the signal of alert means alert
record,so it shows with the recording signal. The quality signal compose 3
parallel squar.1 “grade 1”,2 green squar means “grade 2”,3 green squar
means “grade 3”,1 yellow squar means “grade 4”,2 yellow squar means
“grade 5”,3 yellow squar means “grade 6”,1 red squar means “grade 7”,2
red squar means “grade 8” that is “user-setting”.
Shown as diagram below:the time is the record time ,not the present.
A blue squar means stop(play,record).it will change to red,if you don’t set
auto overwrite and the HDD is full at the same time.it will overwrite all the
record except alert record. (The related system setting chapter for details sees)
press” alert” will start schedule, a bell will show(shown as upper).but you should confirm
whether start scheduling record. (The related system setting chapter for details sees)
the upper shows the playing.the related display will show,if the function
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