
EU/EEA - Wide Guarantee:Conditions applicable inany country otherthan the countryof
original purchase.
A When thepurchaser findsthe applianceto bedefective, heshould promptlycontact theproper
sales companyor nationaldistributor inthe EU/EEAcountry wherethis guaranteeis claimed,as
indicated inthe “ProductService Guide”or thenearest authorizeddealer togetherwith this
guarantee andproof ofdate ofpurchase.
The purchaserwill thenbe informedwhether:
(I) the salescompany ornational distributorwill handlethe repairservice: or
(ii) thesales companyor nationaldistributor willarrange fortrans-shipment ofthe applianceto
the EU/EEAcountry wherethe appliancewas originallymarketed; or
(iii) the purchasermay himselfsend theappliance tothe salescompany ornational distributorin
the EU/EEAcountry wherethe appliancewas originallymarketed.
B If theappliance isa productmodel whichis normallysupplied bythe salescompany ornational
distributor inthe countrywhere itis usedby thepurchaser, thenthe appliance,together with
this guaranteecard andproof ofdate ofpurchase, shouldbe returnedat thepurchaser’s riskand
expense tosuch salescompany ordistributor, whichwill handlethe repairservice. Insome
countries, theaffiliated salescompany ornational distributorwill designatedealers orcertain
service centresto executethe repairsinvolved.
C Ifthe applianceis aproduct modelwhich isnot normallysupplied inthe countrywhere used,or
if theappliance’s internalor externalproduct characteristicsare differentfrom thoseof the
equivalent modelin thecountry whereused, thesales companyor nationaldistributor maybe
able tohave theguarantee repairservice executedby obtainingspare partsfrom thecountry
where theappliance wasoriginally marketed,or itmay benecessary tohave theguarantee
repair serviceexecuted thesales companyor nationaldistributor inthe countrywhere the
appliance wasoriginally marketed.
In eithercase, thepurchaser mustfurnish thisguarantee cardand proofof dateof purchase.Any
necessary transportation,both ofthe applianceand ofany spareparts, willbe atthe purchaser’s
risk andexpense, andthere maybe aconsequent delayin therepair service.
D Wherethe consumersends theappliance forrepair tothe salescompany ornational distributor
in thecountry ofuse ofthe appliance,the servicewill beprovided onthe samelocal termsand
conditions (includingthe periodof guaranteecoverage) asprevail forthe samemodel appliance
in thecountry ofuse, andnot thecountry ofinitial salein theEU/EEA. Wherethe consumer
sends theappliance forrepair tothe salescompany ornational distributorin theEU/EEA
country wherethe appliancewas originallymarketed, therepair servicewill beprovided onthe
local termsand conditionsprevailing inthe countryof initialsale inthe EU/EEA.
E Some productmodels requireadjustment oradaptation forproper performanceand safeuse in
different EU/EEAcountries, inaccordance withlocal voltagerequirements andsafety orother
technical standardsimposed orrecommended byapplicable regulations.For certainproduct
models, thecost ofsuch adjustmentor adaptationmay besubstantial andit maybe difficultto
satisfy localvoltage requirementsand safetyor othertechnical standards.It isstrongly
recommended thatthe purchaserinvestigates theselocal technicaland safetyfactors before
using theappliance inanother EU/EEAcountry.
F This guaranteeshall notcover thecost ofany adjustmentsor adaptationsto meetlocal voltage
requirements andsafety orother technicalstandards. Thesales companyor nationaldistributor
may bein aposition tomake thenecessary adjustmentsor adaptationsto certainproduct
models atthe costof thepurchaser. However,for technicalreasons itis notpossible toadjust
or adaptall productmodels tocomply withlocal voltagerequirements andsafety orother
technical standards.Moreover, whereadaptations oradjustments arecarried outthe
performance ofthe appliancemay beaffected.
G If inthe opinionof thesales companyor nationaldistributor inthe countrywhere theappliance
is usedthe purchaserhas thenecessary adjustmentsor adaptationsto localvoltage requirements
and technicalor safetystandards properlymade, anysubsequent guaranteerepair servicewill be
provided asabove indicated,provided thepurchaser disclosesthe natureof theadjustment or
adaptation ifrelevant tothe repair.(It isrecommended thatthe purchasershould notsend
adapted oradjusted equipmentfor repairto thesales companyor nationaldistributor inthe
country wherethe appliancewas originallymarketed ifthe repairrelates inany wayto the
adaptation oradjustment).
H Thisguarantee shallonly bevalid interritories subjectto thelaws ofthe EuropeanUnion and
the EEA.
Please keep this guarantee with your receipt.
EU Warranty