17 / 58
Note that the max length of those sequences is 180 bytes. Pay close
attention to building sequences that do not exceed this and not to ask too
much byte in answer !
The FMod-TCP BOX translates automatically those sequences to I2C
sequences. It is mandatory that the sequence has to be transmitted within
one TCP packet. Otherwise, the FMod-TCP BOX will ignore it.
I2C Bus scanning
The following command allows user to ask an I2C bus scanning to list which
addresses answer with an acknowledge.
I2C scan command:
Byte# Number of bits Example
0x00 I2CScan (0x0005) 16 bits 0x0005
0x02 TransactionID 16 bits 0x2001
0x04 Number of addresses to scan 16 bits 0x0001
0x08 X Addresses X bytes 0x1A
Checksum 16 bits 0x…
The FMod-TCP BOX answers with the following sequence:
Byte# Number of bits Example
0x00 I2CScanAnswer (0x0006) 16 bits 0x0006
0x02 TransactionID (same as
16 bits 0x2001
0x04 Number of valid addresses 16 bits 0x0001
0x06 Valid addresses list n bytes 0x1A
Checksum 16 bits 0x…
If there is no address in the I2C Scan command, the FMod-TCP BOX will
scan all addresses between 1 and 127!
I2C speed change (advanced features)
The I2C bus speed can be changed at any time by changing the content of
the I2CSPD parameter.
1. Do not change I2C speed if it is not mandatory. Speed greater than
100kHz are not supported by all I2C slaves.
2. Do not change I2C speed during I2C communication.
FMod-TCP User Manual v.2.8