
User Manual Page 33
6.1.4 Buttons bitmaps are sometimes framed by the black line, how to get rid off it?
Sometimes this problem arises when the color depth is set to 16 bits (65.535 colors). After switching to 24 or
32 bits color depth everything should be OK.
6.1.5 Why the mouse wheel does not work?
Some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech etc.) are sometimes causing problems - probably compatibility issue with
standard IntelliMouse interface. You can uninstall original drivers and install IntelliPoint - download
at http://www.microsoft.com/mouse/mouse.htm
6.1.6 Why the volume setting does not work?
You have probably selected wrong device - on tab Hardware settings in section Volume control choose Line
-in and then choose the correct device in Line-in device. The device is the input to the soundcard which
connected to the audio out of RadioXtreme.
6.1.7 Always when starting RX Radiator I have to skip error message There is no media
in drive. Insert disc \Device\... twice. Can I solve it somehow?
You have probably removable disk drive installed (ZIP, Jazz etc.); this message can be avoided by inserting
some media to the drive (i.e. presence of the media in drive when RX Radiator starts).
Next possibility: Change letter for the removable disk drive using Control panels.
6.1.8 How to enable other language and LCD font?
Example (for Czech): Go to the RX Radiator configuration, tab Options and check Use external language file
checkbox. Select Cesky.lng in the language files list. On LCD settings tab choose Central European code
6.1.9 How can I switch off the annoying window on closing asking me whether mute or
Go to the RX Radiator configuration, tab Options and select either Mute or Leave in current state in the On
power off list.
6.1.10 How to expand the frequency range?
RadioXtreme can only work within the standard band (87Mhz – 108MHz).
6.2 Contacting support
For further technical support, email to support@mediaforte.com.sg
6.3 Website for Update
6.4 Acknowledgement
RX Radiator 2003 Miroslav Fleško (Czech Republic) http://flesko.cz
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RadioXtreme is registered trademark of MediaForte Products Pte Ltd
All other company or product names are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.