7.0.29 Cherry ice cream mousse
550g (19.6oz) stoned cherries
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
juice of ½ lemon
2 egg whites
50ml (1.6.oz) whipping cream
2 tbsps Maraschino
Puree the stoned and washed cherries with
the lemon juice, the syrup and the Maraschino.
Beat the egg whites until almost stiff. Stir the
cherry mixture into the beaten egg whites and
then pour in the cream. Make sure that all the
ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: approx. 50 minutes.
7.0.30 Montanara
6 persons
Cherry ice cream mousse
6 dessert plates
6 cold crêpes
Fruit salad, e.g.: kiwi fruit, white grapes,
strawberries, raspberries, pears
Some fresh mint leaves
Some icing sugar
Put the cherry ice cream mousse on the
crêpes and fold or roll up the crêpes. Place
the crêpes on the dessert plates. Put some
fruit salad on each plate. Sprinkle the crêpes
with icing sugar and garnish with mint leaves.
7.0.31 Ice cream bavarois
500ml (16.6.oz) whipping cream
8g (0.04oz) clear gelatin
3-4 tbsps water
100g (4oz) caster sugar
4-5 tbsps Maraschino
4 egg whites
60g (2.4oz) chopped candied fruit
Soak the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water.
Partially whip the cream with half the sugar,
until thick but not stiff. Partially whip the egg
whites with the remaining sugar. Heat the
water in a pan. Remove the pan from the heat
and dissolve the drained gelatin leaves in the
water. Add the Maraschino and let the mixture
Mix the whipped cream with the beaten egg
whites. Then stir in the gelatin mixture. Make
sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour
the mixture into the cooling bowl. Add the
candied fruits halfway through the preparation
Preparation time: 45-55 minutes.
7.0.32 Coupe Helene
(serves 4 to 6 persons)
Ice cream bavarois
4-6 dessert plates
16-24 blackcurrants
4-6 tbsps cold fruit sauce, e.g. strawberry or
raspberry sauce (see chapter ‘Sauces’)
4-6 tbsps yogurt
Mint leaves
Pour the fruit sauce onto the middle of the
plate and then pour the yogurt into the centre
of this sauce. Use a cocktail stick to draw a line
from the centre to the edge of the plate. Put
the ice cream in the centre of the plate and
garnish with blackcurrants and mint leaves.