Philips Semiconductors ISP1301 USB OTG Transceiver Eval Kit User’s Guide
UM10028_1 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. All rights reserved.
User’s Guide Rev. 1.0—February 2003 11 of 18
Figure 5-3: Read/Write register screen display
5.3.5. Select Mode of Operation
You can select the mode of operation of the ISP1301 by selecting item 5 from the main menu. A submenu will
appear on the screen. See Figure 5-4. The possible choices include the USB functional mode (four data encoding
and decoding methods), transparent I
C mode, transparent buffer mode, USB suspend mode, and global power-
down mode.
Note: If the ISP1301 Engineering Sample 1 (ES1) (that is, the chip whose version register reads 0x0100, or the chip
package is marked ####AX) is mounted on the evaluation board, software cannot wake up the chip, if set to the
global power-down mode. Only a hardware reset can wake up the chip.
Figure 5-4: Select Mode of Operation screen display
5.3.6. Enable/Disable charge-pump
If the charge pump in the ISP1301 is disabled, selecting menu item 6 will enable the charge pump. If the charge
pump is enabled, selecting menu item 6 will disable it.