Kvaser LAPcan / LAPcan II Hardware Guide 17(19)
Kvaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden — www.kvaser.com
8.5 Technical Data for DRVcan Fi
Transceiver type Philips 82c251
Current consumption 50 mA (average, bus side), 50 mA at 125
kbps, 100 mA at 1 Mbps (average, laptop
Maximum bus speed 1 Mbit/s (depending on fibre length and
properties of the complete network)
Optic driver type HFBR 2528
Total delay 360 ns + 2*5 ns/meter of fibre
Isolation voltage Depending on fibre length and quality
The transceiver in the DRVcan Fi must be powered both from the Kvaser LAPcan, and externally by
connecting a power source to pin 9 on the D-SUB.
The DRVcan Fi is delivered with 10 m of high-grade plastic fibre.
The is no built-in CAN bus termination in the DRVcan Fi.
8.6 Technical Data for DRVcan S
Transceiver type Philips AU5790 or similar
Current consumption Built-in bus pull-up consumes approx. 5
mA; the CAN bus driver consumes approx.
7.5 mA.
External power +7.5 V ... +18 V DC. Nominal voltage is 12
Note: external power (12V) is required to make the DRVcan S work.
8.7 Technical Data for DRVcan LIN
Transceiver type MC 33399
Current consumption TBD.
External power +7 V ... +18 V DC.
Note: external power (12V) is required to make the DRVcan LIN work.