2.2 Programming
38 Programming Guide
A maximum of 512 DN2IP entries can be created.
5. Click OK.
You will see a confirmation screen.
If your entry contains an invalid value, you will be prompted to correct your input. Enter
correct values for the parameters shown in red and try again.
6. Confirm your entry and click OK.
To return to the previous screen, click CANCEL.
Parameter Descriptions
The parameters indicated with "*" must be changed while the VoIP Gateway Card is in the "STOP" status (see
"2.3.1 Status Control"). The changes do not have to be followed by a reboot to become effective.
DN2IP Entry
The parameters below are used to create DN2IP entries based on the gateway entries created previously (see
"2.2.6 Address Translation Table—GW Entry"). The DN2IP entries associate dialed numbers and IP address
of the destination; therefore, a caller can reach the destination by dialing the number without knowing the
destination IP address.
For a programming example, refer to "3.2.5 Programming the Address Translation Table" of the VoIP Gateway
Card Getting Started.
If you are using a gatekeeper, create the DN2IP entries only for the local card. In this case, you can create
up to 4 DN2IP entries per card.
Note that if you are not using a gatekeeper, there is no maximum number of DN2IP entries.
Parameter & Description Default Value Range
Leading Number
Specifies the leading digits in dialed numbers by which to
associate calls with the appropriate destination.
For example, to associate calls with dialed numbers "950-
xxxx" and "951-xxxx" with separate destinations, it is
necessary to make 2 DN2IP entries with respective numbers,
"950" and "951".
No default Max. 30 digits
Remaining Number of Digits
Specifies the number of digits to be dialed following the
leading number to access the destination.
For example, if the dialed numbers are either "950-xxxx" or
"951-xxxx" and the numbers "950" and "951" are specified for
the parameter Leading Number respectively, specify the
number "4" in this parameter.
0 0 to 29
GW No/Group No. Selection
Specifies the type of destination when making calls: a
gateway or a gateway group.