21User manual
Double-clicking on a LAN Docking Station in the list opens its configuration interface in the
system’s default browser.
A LAN Docking Station is regarded on line if both the connection to the device was established
and its configuration data could be retrieved successfully. The on line status is represented by a
green or a red dot in the ONLINE STATUS column.
Every LAN Docking Station will display the following information:
Its MAC address
Its IP address
The date and time when it was last used (or when a Digital Pocket Memo was last connected).
Additionally, the following settings are displayed for all online LAN Docking Stations:
The firmware version of the LAN Docking Station
The MAC address of the LAN Docking Station
A flag that indicates whether the LAN Docking Station is configured via a DHCP server
The IP address settings of the LAN Docking Station, including the IP address, the subnet mask,
the gateway address, and any Domain Name Server addresses
A flag indicates if the LAN Docking Station connects to an FTP or an SFTP server for file upload
The FTP/SFTP server settings of the LAN Docking Station, including the hostname and port of
the server, as well as the username, password and path on the server
A flag that indicates whether the file upload settings of the LAN Docking Station are taken
from the Digital Pocket Memo or from the LAN Docking Station itself
A flag indicates if all files (or only EOL dictation files) will be uploaded to the FTP/SFTP. For this
setting to take eect, the LAN Docking Station must be in charge of the file upload settings!
A flag that indicates whether the dictation files will be deleted from the Digital Pocket memo
after they are uploaded to the FTP/SFTP server by the LAN Docking Station. For this setting
to take eect, the LAN Docking Station must be in charge of the file upload settings!
Any commentary data, including an oce name or description and a general comment
The administration password of the LAN Docking Station
The date and time when the LAN Docking Station was last used (a Digital Pocket Memo was
last connected)
D Note: Only online LAN Docking stations can be administered from the Administration Tool.
C Important: You should use the RELOAD button (below the file menu of the Application
tool) often to refresh the status of the LAN Docking Stations in your network.