Jumper & Connector Descriptions
J1, J2: LCD LED Backlight Polarity: If J1 and J2 is set in position 1-2, then LCD pin15 is connected
to +5V and pin16 is connected to GND. If J1 and J2 is set in position 2-3 then pin15 is connected to
GND and pin16 is connected to +5V. Default set in position 1-2.
J7: Trace Port Enable: J7 is set to enable pins P1.25:16 to operate as ETM Trace port after reset.
Default not set.
J8: Debug Port Enable: J8 is set to enable pins P1.31:26 to operate as a JTAG Debug port after reset.
Default is set.
J9: Debug Mode: J9 selects whether iSYSTEM on-board integrated USB-JTAG debugger is used or an
external debug tool. Default set in position 1-2.*
J10: RTC Power Supply Selector: J10 connects Vbat pin of LPC2138 to the main 3.3V.
P11: RTC Power supply: PCB terminal providing connection for battery. When battery power supply
applied to P11 is used, J10 must be open.
P12: Manufacturing purpose connections
P13: Analog Output: P13 is analog output from OP amplifier, which connects to output of the DA
J15: User LEDs Enable: enables the LED driver connecting the on-board LEDs to GPIO P0.4 – P0.7.
J16: User Buttons Enable: enables buttons driver connecting the on-board buttons to GPIO P0.12 –
P0.15. Pushing the button generates a low signal. If J16 is set, the CPU will not start in Boot-loader
mode (see J25 description).
J17: LCD Enable Signal: connects GPIO P0.21 to the LCD enable pin.
J18: LCD R/W Signal: connects GPIO P0.22 to the LCD R/W pin.
J19: Analog Output Enable: connects DA converter output (GPIO P0.25) to the OP amplifier.
J20: Analog Input Enable: connects the TRIM potentiometer to the analog input AD0.0 (GPIO
P21: 16 Pin LCD Connector: see connectors
J22: LCD LED Backlight Enable: J22 is set to turn on LCD backlight.
J25 (bottom side): Startup mode (populated on the bottom side of the target board): J25 connects
either a pull-up (USER mode) or a pull-down (BOOT-loader mode) to P0.14. Default set in position
USER (User mode). J16 must be removed when setting J25 in position BOOT, otherwise J25 setting is
not effective.
*Jumper pin 1 is marked with a white square on the ITLPC2138 PCB. If pin 1 cannot be located directly from
the ITLPC2138, please use Figure 2 for assistance.
Note: Don’t change jumper settings while the target board is supplied with power!
iSYSTEM, March 2007 6/13