periodic self-tests Daily, weekly, and monthly tests automatically conducted by the HeartStart OnSite
Defibrillator when it is in its standby mode. The tests monitor many key functions
and parameters of the OnSite, including battery capacity, pads cartridge readiness,
and the state of its internal circuitry.
protocol A sequence of operations performed by the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator to
direct patient care in the AED mode.
protocol pause A pause provided by the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator after a shock series,
during which the responder can administer CPR. The OnSite does not conduct
background monitoring of the patient’s heart rhythm during this pause.
Ready light A green LED showing the readiness for use of the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator.
A blinking Ready light means the OnSite is ready for use; a solid Ready light means
the OnSite is being used.
rhythm analysis See “SMART analysis.”
Shock button An orange button with a lightning bolt symbol on it, located on the front of the
HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator. The Shock button flashes when a shock is advised.
You must press the button for the shock to be delivered.
shockable rhythm A heart rhythm that the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator determines is appropriate
for defibrillation, such as ventricular fibrillation and some ventricular tachycardias
associated with sudden cardiac arrest.
shock series interval A configurable interval between shocks, used by the HeartStart OnSite
Defibrillator to decide if the shocks are part of the same shock series.
SMART analysis The proprietary algorithm used by the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator to analyze
the patient’s heart rhythm and determine whether the rhythm is shockable.
SMART biphasic
The patented, low-energy defibrillation shock waveform used by the HeartStart
OnSite Defibrillator. It is an impedance-compensated biphasic waveform. Used
with the Adult SMART Pads, it delivers 150 Joules, nominal, into a 50 ohm load;
used with the Infant/Child SMART Pads, it delivers 50 Joules, nominal, into a 50
ohm load.
SMART NSA pause See “NSA pause.”
SMART Pads The adhesive pads, supplied in a cartridge, used with the HeartStart OnSite
Defibrillator. Pulling the handle on the cartridge turns on the OnSite and opens the
cartridge. The pads are applied to the patient’s bare skin and used to detect the
patient’s heart rhythm and to transfer the defibrillation shock. Only HeartStart
SMART Pads can be used with the OnSite.
standby mode The operating mode of the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator when a battery has
been installed, and the unit is turned off and ready for use when needed. Shown by
blinking green READY light.