I have lost my bypacked wireless You can order the wireless USB adapter
USB adapter, what can I do? at your local Philips Service organisation.
The MC W770 PC link mode will also work
with most other WiFi certified wireless
adapters. But you have to perform a complete
new setup, and a big part of the network setup
has to be done manually. First install the new
wireless adapter according to its manual. Use
the MC W770 installation disc and select
Setup Network. Continue the installation
according IFU chapter “Using a different
wireless network adapter”,
(www.philips.com/support)Your stored
music files will not get lost.
Philips Media Manager
Software Question Answer
Why can the tracks stored in my Through PC link you have access only to
PC not be played even though those music files which are in the library of the
I have successfully installed PC link? Philips Media Manager software. Please see the
chapter ‘Preparation for wireless PC Link
playback function,’ this describes how you can
add MP3 music files to the Philips Media
How can I organise my tracks in Edit the Album,Title and other ID3 Tag
the music library and in the information of your MP3 files with the
MC W770 PC Link view? Philips Media Manager software,so you can
group your songs accordingly.To edit ID3
information select the track(s) you’d like to
edit, right click and select the ‘Edit Media
Information...’ from the popup menu.
How can I get a newer version You can download the latest version of the
of the Philips Media Manager? Philips Media Manager from
Can I use other music archiving You can use another music archiving system
software than Philips Media other than Philips Media Manager under
Manager? condition that it provides an Universal Plug and
Play (UPnP
) server interface.
Frequently asked questions
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