S/PDIF (SPDIF) (Sony/Philips Digital
A standard audio-le transfer-format that
was developed jointly by Sony and Philips. S/
PDIF allows the transfer of digital audio signals
from one device to another, without the need
to convert rst to analog. This prevents the
quality of the digital signal degrading during
transfer to analog.
Volume that a speaker offers for a specic
voltage input, expressed in decibels per watt
A feature that plays audio les (tracks) in
random order.
Signal to noise ratio
Represents the difference between the level
of the audio signal, and any interference. The
larger the gure, the purer the sound.
SPL (sound pressure level)
An acoustic measurement of sound energy.
1 dB SPL is the smallest increment in sound
level to which the average human is sensitive.
Theoretically, 0 dB SPL is the threshold of
human hearing while approximately 120 dB is
the threshold of pain.
Literally means solid. Usually taken to refer to
two channel stereo, though developments in
digital audio facilitate multichannel stereo.
A technique for transferring data such that it
can be processed as a steady and continuous
stream. Streaming technologies are often used
on the Internet because many users do not
have fast enough access to download large
multimedia les quickly, so the client browser
or plug-in can start displaying the data before
the entire le has been transmitted.
A le format with a sound data compression
system. MP3 is the abbreviation of Motion
Picture Experts Group 1 (or MPEG-1) Audio
Layer 3. With the MP3 format, one CD-R or
CD-RW can contain about 10 times more
data than a regular CD.
A control found on receivers, and some
mixers or signal processing units that silences
(mutes) a signal path, or output.
Measure of resistance to current (impedance).
The lower the impedance of a speaker, the
harder it is to drive.
The push button conguration (PBC) method
is a router feature that allows connection by
the push a button (actual or virtual).
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)
Pioneering form of digital recording.
In Internet routing, the Personal Identication
Number (PIN) method allows users to use a
PIN to connect the router.
RF (radio frequency)
An alternating current or voltage with a
frequency (or carrier wave) above about
100kHz. It is called radio frequency because
these frequencies have a capacity to be
radiated as electromagnetic waves by radio
(and television) stations.