
System Recommendations
Increase your windows display resolution from 256 colors to 64,000 or 16.7 million colors to greatly enhance video vie-
In general, we recommend that you use a Pentium 90 or faster computer with a Hicolor (64,000 color, 16-bits per pixel)
or Truecolor (16.7 million color, 24-bits per pixel) display to view Videograms. Videograms will play on slower systems
and on displays with 256 colors but playback quality may suffer. Please refer to the manual that came with your display or
graphics adapter (VGA card) for more information regarding color display setup.
Your computer’s processor, hard drive, hard drive controller, display adapter and amount of system RAM all play a key role
in assisting the playback of Videograms.
The Videogram player will run better if any of the following hardware or software are installed on your system. Each of
these items are detected by the Videogram player and will be utilized during playback. More information can be found in
the previous section,”Video Capture Optimization”on each of these items. The requirements for video capture and play-
back are very similar.
Faster CPU (recommend Pentium 133 or faster)
Windows 95 - performance is better on HD access and video display
Fast Hard Drive and Controller
Display adapter that provides DCI support in Windows 3.x
Display adapter that provides DirectDraw support in Windows 95
In systems where memory is at minimum levels (4MB for Windows 3.x, 8MB for Windows 95), adding more memory
will enhance video playback performance.
Check your graphics card documentation or with the manufacturer if you are unsure whether your graphics card will sup-
port DCI and DirectDraw.
Graphics Card Recommendations
Before you buy your next graphics adapter make sure it supports DCI, DirectDraw or a similar standard. This will enhan-
ce overall system performance.
Your system’s graphics or display adapter (VGA Card) plays an important role in the capturing process. If the graphics
adapter does not support DCI (Intel/Microsoft standard: Direct Control Interface) or DirectDraw (Microsoft Standard)
then your system’s processor will have an additional amount of processing to handle. The advantage to DCI and
DirectDraw is that they pull routine video graphics processing away from the system processor to free it up for more im-
portant tasks - like capturing and playing back video.