
Philips Semiconductors
Hi-Speed USB hub controller
Product data Rev. 03 — 24 November 2004 8 of 51
9397 750 13701
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
[1] The maximum current the ISP1520 can sink on a pin is 8 mA.
[2] Symbol names ending with underscore N (for example, NAME_N) represent active LOW signals.
[3] Downstream ports 1 and 2 cannot be disabled.
[4] To disable a downstream port n, connect both pins DPn and DMn to V
(3.3 V); unused ports must
be disabled in reverse order starting from port 4.
GRN2_N 54 I/O output — green LED port indicator (open-drain) for
downstream facing port 2
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 9
AMB2_N 55 I/O output — amber LED port indicator (open-drain) for
downstream facing port 2
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 8
56 - reference voltage (5 V ± 5 %); used to power internal pull-up
resistors of PSWn_N pins and also for the analog
overcurrent detection
57 - digital supply voltage 3 (3.3 V)
GND 58 - ground supply
GND 59 - ground supply
GRN1_N 60 I/O output — green LED port indicator (open-drain) for
downstream facing port 1
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 9
AMB1_N 61 I/O output — amber LED port indicator (open-drain) for
downstream facing port 1
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 8
HUBGL_N 62 O hub GoodLink LED indicator output; the LED is off until the
hub is configured; a transaction between the host and the
hub will blink the LED off for 100 ms; this LED is off in the
suspend mode (open-drain)
SCL 63 I/O I
C-bus clock (open-drain); see Table 11
SDA 64 I/O I
C-bus data (open-drain); see Table 11
Table 2: Pin description
Pin Type Description