Service · Checking the Firmware Version 37
Checking the Firmware
· Checking the Firmware Version
1. Press OK, 47 and OK.
2. The model designation and the configured country
appear on the display.
3. Confirm with OK.
4. The information on the firmware version of the de-
vice is displayed.
5. Confirm with OK.
Using Service Codes
· Using Service Codes
The service codes delete all the changed settings and
your device is reset to factory settings. It may be possi-
ble that the device with the changed settings reacts dif-
ferently than expected.
Using Service Codes
1. Press OK, 45 and OK.
2. Enter a service code:
7117—Deletes all changed settings and
saved data. The device is reset to factory settings
and the initial installation process is started.
7140—Deletes all changed settings.
Saved data and telephone book entries remain in-
7227—Deletes saved faxes, when there
are problems with printing.
3. Confirm with OK.
4. Select with [SURE: YES.
5. Confirm with OK.
Power Cycling
· Power Cycling
If a problem occurs that cannot be corrected with the
instructions in this user manual (see also the help be-
low), follow the steps given here.
1. Pull out the power plug.
2. Wait at least ten seconds, then plug the power plug
back into the socket.
3. Follow the instructions on the display and in the er-
ror report. If the problem repeats, please contact
our technical customer service or your retailer.
Settings will be Deleted!
Only use the service codes if this is absolutely
necessary. Some service codes also delete
saved messages and telephone book entries.
Cancelling Entry
If you have entered the incorrect code, you
can cancel the entry with SURE: NO.