26 Philips · PPX2450 · 2480
The CE marking certifies that the product meets the
main requirements of the European Parliament and
Council directives 2006/95/CE, 2004/108/CE and 2009/
125/CE on telecommunications terminal equipment,
regarding safety and health of users and regarding elec-
tromagnetic interference.
The declaration of compliance can be consulted on the
site www.sagem-ca.at/doc.
Preservation of the environment as part of a sustainable
development plan is an essential concern of Sagemcom.
The desire of Sagemcom is to operate systems observ-
ing the environment. The desire of Sagemcom is to
operate systems observing the environment and conse-
quently it has decided to integrate environmental per-
formances in the life cycle of this products, from manu-
facturing to commissioning use and elimination.
Packaging: The presence of the logo (green dot)
means that a contribution is paid to an approved
national organisation to improve package recovery and
recycling infrastructures. Please respect the sorting
rules set up locally for this kind of waste.
Batteries: If your product contains batteries, they
must be disposed of at an appropriate collection point.
Product: The crossed-out waste bin stuck on the
product means that the product belongs to the family of
electrical and electronic equipment. In this respect, the
European regulations ask you to dispose of it selectively;
• At sales points in the event of the purchase of similar
• At the collection points made available to you
locally(drop-off centre, selective collection, etc.).
In this way you can participate in the re-use and upgrad-
ing of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste, which
can have an effect on the environment and human
The paper and cardboard packaging used can be dis-
posed of as recyclable paper. Have the plastic wrapping
and Styrofoam packaging recycled or dispose of it in the
non-recyclable waste, depending on the requirements
in your country.
Trademarks: The mentioned references in this man-
ual are trademarks of the respective companies. The
lack of the trademarks É and Ë does not justify the
assumption that these dedicated terminologies are free
trademarks. Other product names used herein are for
identification purposes only and may be trademarks of
their respective owners. Sagemcom disclaims any and all
rights in those marks.
Neither Sagemcom nor its affiliates shall be liable to the
purchaser of this product or third parties for damages,
losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or
third parties as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse of
this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or
alterations to this product, or failure to strictly comply
with Sagemcom operating and maintenance instruc-
Sagemcom shall not be liable for any damages or prob-
lems arising from the use of any options or any consum-
able materials other than those designated as original
Sagemcom / PHILIPS products or Sagemcom / PHILIPS
approved products.
Sagemcom shall not be held liable for any damage result-
ing from electromagnetic interference that occurs from
the use of any interface cables other than those desig-
nated as Sagemcom /PHILIPS products.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of Sagemcom. The information
contained herein is designed only for use with this prod-
uct. Sagemcom is not responsible for any use of this
information as applied to other devices.
This user manual is a document that does not represent
a contract.
Errors, printing errors and changes are reserved.
Copyright È 2011 Sagemcom Austria GmbH