Using 4 or 5.1 channel surround speakers your Seismic Edge™ sound card can deliv-
er true multi-channel surround sound from a compatible soft-DVD player
application even if the player only supports stereo output. If the soft-DVD player is
capable of providing a true 5.1 Dolby Digital or a 4 channel Dolby Digital™ down-
mix Seismic Edge will output all 4 or 5.1 Dolby Digital channels. Even if the soft-
DVD player supports 4 or 5.1 channel Dolby Digital™ you may prefer using
QMSS™ playback of DVD’s because of the enhanced rear channel content it
provides. If you have only stereo speakers Seismic Edge can also provide virtual
surround using its QSurround feature.
To enable 4 or 5.1 speaker QMSS™ DVD enhancement:
1. Make sure “4 Speakers” or “5.1 Speakers” (and "Expand All" for Windows®
2000) is selected in the Seismic Edge control panel settings tab.
2. Open the “control panel” or “settings” menu for the soft-DVD player.
3. Select the menu or tab that controls the player’s audio settings.
4. Look for a panel that allows you to select the number and type audio channels
5. Select either 2 speaker “Stereo” or 2 speaker “Dolby Surround or ProLogic”.
Either option will work well as the QMSS™ DSP algorithm does not depend
on Dolby encoding. (Effectively you should follow the soft-DVD player
instructions for playing back over stereo speakers even though you have a quad
or 5.1speaker system connected).
6. Close the control panel and play a DVD. Seismic Edge will detect that it is in 4
or 5.1 speaker mode but is only receiving two channels of audio from the DVD
and automatically generate 4 or 5.1 distinct channels of surround sound using
To enable a 4 or 5.1 speaker Dolby Digital™ playback :
1. Make sure “4 Speakers” or “5.1 Speakers” is selected (and for Windows® 2000
that "Expand All" is NO
T selected) in the Seismic Edge control panel settings tab.
2. Follow the soft-DVD players instructions for 4 or 5.1 speaker playback. (Some
players will not offer this feature)
3. Play a DVD and Acoustic edge will output the 4 or 5.1channel Dolby Digital
sound provided by the soft-DVD player.
DVD Playback Modes
The information tab provides detailed information about your sound card. This
includes the model number for your product and software version information.
Control Panel
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