You can set the Repeat settings of your Alarm according to the table below:
The alarm will sound for 2 minutes in your selected alarm source mode and then enter the "Auto
snooze" mode.The "Auto snooze" alarm remains active and repeats the call at 10-minute intervals,
until you choose to cancel the alarm.
After one hour,the Auto snooze will no longer be active.
Setting Alarm Source - Music
You can select which type of Music source you wish to use for your Alarm.
Use the navigation keys to the left of the display to select alarm source by following the example
screens below.
If you select Music,you can select a specific music track,you can select it by going one level deeper
in the menu after Artists / Albums (see screens 4 and 5 below).
Daily Alarm will be activated every day
Weekdays Alarm will be activated every day between Monday to Friday
Weekend Alarm will be activated every Saturday and Sunday
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