
Page 74
Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13505 Programming Notes and Examples
X23A-G-003-07 Issue Date: 01/02/05
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
(x1,y1) - upper left corner of the rectangle (in pixels)
(x2,y2) - lower right corner of the rectangle (in pixels)
Color - a 0 to 3 value to draw the rectangle with
SolidFill - flag for filling the rectangle interior
- if equal to 0 then outline the rectangle;
if not equal to 0 then fill the rectangle with Color
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
int seDrawCursorEllipse(int DevID, long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD Color,
BOOL SolidFill)
Description: This routine draws an ellipse within the hardware cursor display buffer. The ellipse
will be centered on the point (xc,yc) and will have a horizontal radius of xr and a
vertical radius of yr.
The value of 'Color' must be 0 to 3. Values 0 and 1 refer to the two user definable
colors. If 'Color' is 2 then the pixel will be transparent and if the value is 3 the pixel
will be an inversion of the underlying screen color.
Currently seDrawCursorEllipse() does not support solid fill of the ellipse.
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
(xc, yc) - center of the ellipse (in pixels)
xr - horizontal radius (in pixels)
yr - vertical radius (in pixels)
Color - 0 to 3 value to draw the pixels with
SolidFill - flag to solid fill the ellipse (not currently used)
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
int seDrawCursorCircle(int DevID, long x, long y, long Radius, DWORD Color, BOOL
Description: This routine draws a circle in hardware cursor display buffer. The center of the circle
will be at (x,y) and the circle will have a radius of 'Radius' pixels.
The value of 'Color' must be 0 to 3. Values 0 and 1 refer to the two user definable
colors. If 'Color' is 2 then the pixel will be transparent and if the value is 3 the pixel
will be an inversion of the underlying screen color.
Currently seDrawCursorCircle() does not support the solid fill option.
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
(x,y) - center of the circle (in pixels)
Radius - radius of the circle (in pixels)
Color - 0 to 3 value to draw the circle with
SolidFill - flag to solid fill the circle (currently not used)
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems