1998 Feb 16 23
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
CMOS digital decoding IC with RAM for
Compact Disc
The motor servo has the operation modes as shown in Table 9 and is controlled by the motor mode register
(address 0001).
Table 9 Operation modes.
Start mode 1 Disc is accelerated by applying a positive voltage to the spindle motor. No decisions are involved
and the PLL is reset. No disc speed information is available for the microcontroller.
Start mode 2 The disc is accelerated as in Start mode 1, however the PLL will monitor the disc speed. When the
disc reaches 75% of its nominal speed, the controller will switch to Jump mode. The motor status
signals are valid (register 0010).
Jump mode Motor servo enabled but FIFO kept reset at 50%. The audio is muted but it is possible to read the
Jump mode 1 Similar to Jump mode but motor integrator is kept at zero. Used for long jumps.
Play mode FIFO released after resetting to 50%. Audio mute released.
Stop mode 1 Disc is braked by applying a negative voltage to the motor. No decisions are involved.
Stop mode 2 The disc is braked as in Stop mode 1, but the PLL will monitor the disc speed. As soon as the disc
reaches 12% of its nominal speed, the MOTSTOP status signal will go HIGH and switch the motor
servo to off mode.
Off mode Motor not steered.
In Start mode 1, Start mode 2, Stop mode 1 and Stop
mode 2, a fixed positive or negative voltage is applied to
the motor. This voltage can be programmed as a
percentage of the maximum possible voltage via the motor
output configuration register (address 0110) to limit
current drain during start and stop. The following power
limits are possible:
• 100% of maximum (no power limit)
• 75% of maximum
• 50% of maximum
• 37% of maximum.
The gain and cross-over frequencies of the motor control
loop can be programmed via the motor gain and bandwidth
registers (addresses 0100 and 0101). The possible
parameter values are as follows:
Gain: 3.2, 4.0, 6.4, 8.0 12.8, 16, 26.6 or 32.
Cross-over frequency, f
: −0.5, −0.7, −1.4 or −2.8 Hz.
Cross-over frequency, f
: −0.85, −1.71 or −3.42 Hz.
If FIFO overflow occurs during Play mode (e.g. as a result
of motor shock), the FIFO will be automatically reset
to 50% and the audio interpolator is activated to minimize
the effect of data loss.