
Speaker Light: is a composed peripheral that is normally placed next to the monitor and interacts with the
events on the screen. In the overview, a Light icon represents this composed peripheral since the
Direct Control cannot interact with the audio peripherals.
Starter Kit: allows you to see more of the game. You can add an Extension kit to the Starter Kit to add air and
vibration effects during the use of the Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Peripherals.
Static Scene: is a scene defined for the lights and fans that are enabled in the overview. In a static scene you
can define the individual color and brightness of a lights or the intensity of a fan.
Subwoofer: reproduces the low-frequency tones, and thereby gives authenticity to the rumble of a thunder or
the blast of a gunshot. You cannot configure the subwoofer and therefore the peripheral is not shown
on the overview.
Toggle button: is a button that has 2 different actions. For example, the Stop/Resume button. The current
label on the button indicates the action. When you click a toggle button, the action starts and the label
of the button changes to indicate the opposite action.
Variable Scene: can be a static scene or an animated scene in the Scenes Selector. You can customize these
scenes by changing the Peripheral Scene Settings or the Animation Settings.
Wall Washer & Controller: is the central controlling unit of the system. It is connected to your PC and
positioned behind the monitor in front of a blank wall. The Wall washer & Controller is a composed
peripheral that contains 3 lights you can define.
Wrist Rumbler: is a peripheral that you typically place near the keyboard and that makes you feel the
vibration of a car or of turbulence in a plane.