Table of contents
1 Welcome 3
2 Important 4
2.1 Hearing safety 4
2.2 Electric-, Magnetic- and Electromagnetic
Fields (“EMF”) 4
2.3 General maintenance 5
2.4 Notes for battery disposal 5
2.5 Notice for USA 6
2.6 Notice for Canada 6
2.7 Trademarks 6
3 inthebox 7
3.1 What else you’ll need 7
4 Whatyoucandowithyour
headset 8
5 OverviewofyourPhilipsTapster
Bluetoothstereoheadset 9
6 Getstarted 10
6.1 Charge your headset 10
6.2 Pair your Philips Tapster Bluetooth
stereo headset with your mobile phone 11
6.3 Fitting your headset 12
7 UsingyourtouchsensitivePhilips
7.1 Connecting your Philips Tapster
Bluetooth stereo headset to your
mobile phone 13
7.2 Automatic power saving 13
7.3 Controlling your touch sensitive Philips
Tapster Bluetooth stereo headset 13
7.4 Storing and carrying your headset 15
8 UsingmoreofyourPhilipsTapster
Bluetoothstereoheadset 16
8.1 Learn about the battery status 16
8.2 Learn about simultaneous use for
voice and audio 16
8.3 Learn about FullSound 17
9 TechnicaldataforyourPhilips
TapsterBluetoothstereoheadset 18
10 Frequentlyaskedquestions 19