
8. Helpline
Need Help?
If you have any questions about the Philips SPC 700NC Camera, please contact our helpline for
assistance! You can find the number in the list below.
Before you call, please read this manual carefully.You will be able to solve most of your problems.
The model number of the camera is SPC 700NC.
Date of purchase: _____ /_____ /______
day /month /year
If you have any questions about the Philips SPC 600NC Camera, please contact our helpline for
assistance! You can find the number in the list below. Before you call, please read this manual carefully
and/or go to www.philips.com/support.You will be able to solve most of your problems.
België/ Belgien/ Belgique Nederland
070 222 303 0900 8407
Danmark Norge
35-25-8759 2270-8111
Deutschland Österreich
0180 5356 767 0810 001 203
España Portugal
902 888 784 2 1359 1442
France Schweiz/ Suisse/ Svizzera
08 9165 0005 0844 800 544
 Suomi
0 0800 3122 1280 09 6158 0250
Italia Sverige
899 23 45 06 08 5792 9100
Luxemburg/ Luxembourg UK (United Kingdom)
40 6661 5644 0906 1010 016
SPC700NC_1.English.qxd 07-03-2005 16:53 Pagina 21