6 EN
CBL/SAT Cable box, satellite
receiver, Internet Protocol
TV (IPTV), Free To Air TV,
High Denition Television
decoder (HDTV) and Tivo
1 SwitchON the TV manually or use the
original remote control for this. Tune to
channel 1.
2 Pressandholdthe
device selection
key for5seconds
until the red Setup
remains lit .
The remote control
is now in setup mode.
3 Look up the 4-digit
code for your brand
in the
brand list
the back of this user
A 4-digit code is
shown for each brand.
Use the digit keys
to enter the code
for your brand
(e.g. Philips,
• If the red Setup
turns off, an invalid code was
entered. In this case, try again.
4 Aim the remote
control at the TV.
Pressandhold the
key. Release it
immediately as soon
the TV switches off.
• This step normally takes between
5 and 60 seconds. In extreme
circumstances this step can take up to
15 minutes.
SRP2003_27__Manual_80_210.indd 6 25-09-09 11:06