User Guide
Taking a First Look
ProntoPro NG:
The Home Theater Control Panel
ProntoPro NG is a Home Theater Control Panel that allows maximum flexibility and
customization for even the most sophisticated home entertainment system. It can
control almost any device that works with infrared (IR) remote control signals.
Its intuitive interface makes it a perfect remote control for every user.
ProntoPro NG is easy to configure. It contains a huge universal database where
IR codes are stored to control different brands for all kinds of video, audio devices
and even home automation equipment. By default ProntoPro NG is set up to
control Philips and Marantz devices. For other brands you simply choose the
brands of your devices when you use ProntoPro NG for the first time.
Furthermore the ProntoPro NG is equipped with a color touch screen. This TFT-
display supports 65536 colors so you can upload any color picture.
ProntoPro NG offers you some extra powerful features:
■ You can create and edit macros, allowing you to send a series of commands
with one single touch.
■ You can set timers for certain actions to be carried out at predefined times,
e.g. switching on your lights or recording your favorite daily TV-show with
your VCR.
■ You can choose to have ProntoPro NG working with radio frequency (RF)
signals to operate devices from a distance or from an adjacent room. To do
this, you need an optional RF Extender that converts ProntoPro NG RF signals
into IR signals.
With ProntoProEdit NG software you can create your own screens and define a
personal look. ProntoProEdit NG’s Online Help system (accessible via the ‘Help’
icon in ProntoProEdit NG) will guide you through the process.
See ‘ProntoProEdit NG’ on page 53 for more information. You can find
ProntoProEdit NG on the included CD-ROM and on the Philips website
.pronto.philips.com. In the Downloads section of the website you can also
find the latest upgrades for your ProntoPro NG software.
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