Depending onthe kind ofUSB portable audioplayer/
USB memory youuse, the devicemay not berecog-
nized oraudio files maynot be playedback properly.
Do notleave the USBportable audio player/USB
memory indirect sunlight forextended amounts of
time. Doingso may causethe device tomalfunction
from theextreme rise intemperature.
To ensureproper operation,connect the dockconnec-
tor cablefrom the iPod directlyto this unit.
Firmly securethe iPod when driving.Do not letthe
iPod fallonto the floor, whereit may becomejammed
under thebrake or acceleratorpedal.
About iPod settings
! When aniPodis connected, thisunit changes the
EQ (equalizer)setting of theiPod tooff inorder to
optimize theacoustics. When youdisconnect the
iPod,the EQ returnsto theoriginal setting.
! You cannot setRepeat tooff on theiPodwhen
using thisunit. Repeat isautomatically changed
to Allwhen the iPod isconnected to thisunit.
Incompatible textsaved on theiPodwill not bedis-
played bythe unit.
DVD-R/RW discs
Unfinalized DVD-R/RW discswhich have beenre-
corded inthe Videoformat (videomode) cannot be
played back.
Playback ofDVD-R/RW discs maynot be possible,
due todisc characteristics, scratches ordirt onthe
disc, ordirt, condensation, etc.on thelens of this
Depending onthe application settingsand the envir-
onment, playbackof discs recordedon a personal
computer maynot be possible.(For details,contact
the manufacturerof the application.)
CD-R/RW discs
When CD-R/RW discsare used, playbackis possible
only fordiscs which havebeen finalized.
Playback ofCD-R/RW discs recordedon a musicCD
recorder ora personal computermay not bepossible
due todisc characteristics, scratches ordirt onthe
disc, ordirt, condensation, etc.,on the lensof this
Depending onthe application settingsand the envir-
onment, playbackof discs recordedon a personal
computer maynot be possible.(For details,contact
the manufacturerof the application.)
Playback ofCD-R/RW discs maybecome impossible
in caseof direct exposureto sunlight, hightempera-
tures, orthe storage conditionsin the vehicle.
Titles andother text informationrecorded on aCD-R/
RW discmay not bedisplayed by thisunit (inthe
case ofaudio data (CD-DA)).
DualDiscs aretwo-sided discsthat have arecordable
CD foraudio on oneside and arecordable DVDfor
video onthe other.
Playback ofthe DVD sideis possible withthis unit.
However, sincethe CD sideof DualDiscsis not physi-
cally compatiblewith the generalCD standard, itmay
not bepossible to playthe CD sidewith thisunit.
Frequent loadingand ejecting ofa DualDisc mayre-
sult inscratches on thedisc. Serious scratchescan
lead toplayback problems onthis unit. Insome
cases, aDualDisc may becomestuck in thedisc load-
ing slotand will noteject. To prevent this,we recom-
mend yourefrain from usingDualDisc withthis unit.
Please referto the informationfrom the discmanu-
facturer for moredetailed information about
JPEG picture files
JPEG isshort for JointPhotographic Experts Group
and refersto a stillimage compression technology
Files arecompatible with BaselineJPEG and EXIF2.1
still imagesup to aresolution of 8192 ×7 680. (EXIF
format isused most commonlywith digital stillcam-
Playback ofEXIF format filesthat were processedby a
personal computermay not bepossible.
There isno progressive JPEGcompatibility.
DivX video files
Depending onthe composition of thefile information,
such asthe number ofaudio streams or filesize,
there maybe a slightdelay when playingback discs.
Some specialoperations may beprohibited due to
the compositionof the DivX files.
Additional information