Show playlists dDisplays the playlist together withsub-screen to continue thevoice operation. dTouchthe de-
sired itemon the list orsay the desiredvoice commands.
Show theplaylist <Playlistname> d Displays thesong list ofthe selected playlisttogether with sub-screen to con-
tinue thevoice operation. dTouch the desireditem on thelist or saythe desired voice commands.
Show genred Displays thegenre listtogether withsub-screen to continuethe voice operation.d Touch the desired
item onthe list orsay the desiredvoice commands.
Show thegenre <Genre name> dDisplays thesong list of theselected genre listtogether with sub-screen tocon-
tinue thevoice operation. dTouch the desireditem on thelist or saythe desired voice commands.
Show songsd Displays the song listtogether with sub-screen tocont inue the voiceoperation. d Touch the desired
item onthe list orsay the desiredvoice commands.
Page down, Pageup d Displaysthe previous or nextpage of theselection list. (Note1)
(Note1)The voice commands isavailable only whenthe selection listis displayed.
Voice operation for AV source (other than iPod)
AV source selection
Voice commandsand operations
Change Source toDISC d Switchthe AVsource to DISC.
Change Source toFM d Switchthe AVsource to FM.
Change Source toAM d Switchthe AVsource to AM.
Change Source toXM Satellite Radiod Switch theAV source toXM.
Change Source toSIRIUS Satellite Radiod Switch the AV sourceto SIRIUS.
Change Source toHD Radio dSwitch the AVsource toDigital Radio.
Change Source toSD Media dSwitch the AV sourceto SD.
Change Source toUSB d Switchthe AVsource toUSB.
Change Source toiPodd Switch theAV source toiPod.
Change Source dSwitch to the AV sourceselection screen. dTouch thedesired AVsource or saythe desired AV
source name.
External storage device (USB, SD)
Voice commandsand operations
Shuffle play dPlays all songsrandomly.
Pause themusic, Stop the musicd Pauses thesong currently playing.
Resume themusic d Resumesthe song currentlyplaying .
Next songd Plays thenext song.
Previous songd Plays theprevious song or returnto the beginning of thesong currently playing.
Operating Your Navigation System with Voice
Operating Your Navigation System with Voice