Boot Sequence Sub-Menu (under Main Menu)
The Boot Sequence sub-menu accesses Boot Options.
Figure 18 — Boot Sequence sub-menu.
Boot Delay
This option sets the system to delay booting for a time period in seconds. It allows for long
startup times on boot devices that spin up slowly, and it ranges from 0–255 seconds. The default
is 0 seconds.
Boot Sequence
This defines how the system treats floppy drive A when booting. Booting can occur from a flop-
py in the A drive or directly from the fixed disk drive. To reduce the amount of time required
to boot, the boot sequence should be set to C: only. The options are:
1. A: then C: Boots from the floppy drive, or if no floppy disk is present in the A drive, boots
from the C drive.
2. C: then A: Boots from the C drive, or if none is present, boots from the A drive.
3. C: only: Boots from the C drive without searching for an A drive.
The default is A: then C:. The selected boot sequence setting displays in the Boot Sequence
sub-menu field in the Main menu (see Figure 17).
SETUP Prompt
This option enables or disables the message Press F2 to enter Setup. Even if the message is dis-
abled, the <F2> key can still be pressed at the appropriate time to enter the Setup menu. The
default is Enabled.
POST Errors
This option stops the boot process if the POST encounters errors. Otherwise, the system contin-
ues to attempt to boot despite any startup error messages that display. Note that this option only
affects those errors defined at build-time to halt the system. The default is Enabled.
Chapter Five: BIOS Setup 19
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