PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 27
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Table 1: S/UNI-4x622 Module Initialization Vector: sSUNI4x622_MIV
Field Name Field Type Field Description
perrModule INT4 *
(pointer to) errModule (see description in the MDB)
maxDevs UINT2
Maximum number of devices supported during this session
maxInitProfs UINT2
Maximum number of initialization profiles
Device Initialization Vector: DIV
Passed via the suni4x622Init call, this structure contains all the information needed by the
driver to initialize a S/UNI-4x622 device. This structure is also passed via the
suni4x622SetInitProfile call when used as an initialization profile.
valid indicates that this initialization profile has been properly initialized and may be used
by the USER. This field should be ignored when the DIV is passed directly.
pollISR is a flag that indicates the type of interrupt servicing the driver is to use. The
choices are ‘polling’ (
SUNI4x622_POLL_MODE), and ‘interrupt driven’
SUNI4x622_ISR_MODE). When configured in polling the interrupt capability of the device
is NOT used, and the USER is responsible for calling
suni4x622Poll periodically. The
actual processing of the event information is the same for both modes.
cbackSOH, cbackLOH, cbackRPOH, cbackPYLD, cbackFIFO, cbackIntfSys,
and cbackAPS are used to pass the address of application functions that
will be used by the DPR to inform the application code of pending events. If these fields are
set as NULL, then any events that might cause the DPR to ‘call back’ the application will be
processed during ISR processing but ignored by the DPR.
Table 2: S/UNI-4x622 Device Initialization Vector: sSUNI4x622_DIV
Field Name Field Type Field Description
valid UINT2
Indicates that this structure is valid
Indicates the type of ISR / polling to do
cbackSOH sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for SOH
cbackLOH sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for LOH
cbackRPOH sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for
RPOH events