USER settings
Select Settings > USER
Weight: To change units press and hold LIGHT.
Height: To change units press and hold LIGHT.
Birthday: Adjust your date of birth.
Sex : Select MALE or FEMALE.
HR max (the highest number of heartbeats per
minute (bpm) during maximum physical
exertion): Change the default value only if you
know your laboratory-measured value. For more
information, see http://support.polar.fi.
HR sit: Your typical heart rate when you are not
doing any physical activity (while sitting). To
determine HR
, wear your transmitter, sit down
and do not engage in any physical activity. After
two or three minutes, press OK in Time mode to
view your heart rate. This is your HR
. For a
more precise measurement, repeat the procedure
several times and calculate your average.
V02 max (the maximum capacity for oxygen
consumption by your body during maximum
exertion): Change the default value only if you
know your laboratory-measured value. For more
information, see http://support.polar.fi.
22 Settings