If you aim for improved fitness or exercise for competitive
reasons your exercise intensity is moderate or heavy paced,
and it causes clear breathlessness and sweating.
However, when planning your personal exercise dose, you
can vary the workout intensity e.g. if there is a change in your
physical condition or feelings.
Target zones are calculated using the person’s maximum
heart rate as a reference. The most reliable way to determine
your individual Target Zone is to have your maximum heart
rate measured at an exercise stress test. For more information
on an exercise stress test, consult your physiologist or doctor.
However, according to ACSM most people can estimate their
maximum heart rate by the formula:
220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate
For example a 35-year old person’s Maximum
Heart Rate would be: 220 - 35 = 185 beats per minute
The following Target Range Chart helps you find the right Target
Zone for your needs. The percentages for the Target Zones are
counted from the maximum heart rate (measured or predicted).
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM 1990,1995)
defines a recommended exercise dose for developing and
maintaining cardiovascular fitness in healthy adults as follows:
Intensity of training: 60-90% of the maximum heart rate
Duration of training: 20-60 minutes of continuous
aerobic activity
Frequency of training: 3-5 days a week
Mode of activity: Any mode which uses large
muscle groups
Heart rate is proved to be an excellent indicator of exercise
intensity. Heart rate tells you the exertion level of your body
during physical or mental loading. With the Polar Heart Rate
Monitor you are able to follow the intensity of your exercise
easily, keep yourself in the right heart rate Target Zone and
stay motivated as you see the improvement. Changes in the
heart’s beating rate can be followed with a Polar Heart Rate
Monitor wirelessly, continuously and ECG accurately.
Define your exercise intensity according to your target. When
you exercise within the defined Target Zone, you ensure the
right intensity of your workout.
Any physical activity that increases heart rate above the
resting heart rate may provide health benefits, but only greater
increments above resting heart rate are associated with both
health and fitness benefits. This is why you should define your
personal Target Zone.
If you are a beginner, sedentary or overweight, a recommended
target is to exercise at light or light to moderate intensity.
At this target, the exercise is easy-paced and causes only
slight breathlessness and sweating.
FITWATCH.manual GBR/E 5.1.2001, 10:5516-17