TIM1 / TIM2: Timers 1 and 2 help you to divide your exercise session
into separate phases (e.g. warm-up, exercise phase, cool down). Timers
can be used individually (only Timer 1) or sequentially.
TIME: Indicates the time of day in watch settings.
TZ, Target Zone: The area between upper and lower target zone limits.
Target Zone selection is based on personal fitness goals.
During heart rate measurement the TZ symbol with a block next to it
indicates that you are exercising within the Target Zone. In File mode this
indicates the time spent within the Target Zone.
During heart rate measurement the TZ symbol with a upper block
flashing indicates that the heart rate is above the Target Zone. In File mode
this indicates the time spent above the Target Zone.
During heart rate measurement indicates that the heart rate is below
the Target Zone. In File mode this indicates the time spent below the Target
Units of measure: By changing the Time mode from 12 h display to 24
h display you also change the other units used by the monitor. In the table
below you will find the units which are in use in each alternative.
24h mode 12h mode
SPEED km/h mph
DISTANCE km miles
Upper limit: The upper heart rate limit for the target zone.
WHL 1 / WHL 2, wheel: wheel size in millimetres.
Wireless button: During the measurement in the Heart rate mode bring
the wrist receiver next to the Polar logo of the Polar Coded Transmitter for a
Heart rate: The number of heart beats per minute (bpm).
KM/H: Kilometres per hour.
LAP: In Measure and File modes, together with a number, indicates how
many lap times are used.
Lap and split times: Time needed to move once around a closed
course or track.
LIM 1 / LIM 2 / LIM 3: Heart Rate Limits for Target Zones 1, 2 and 3.
Lower Limit: The lower heart rate limit of the target zone
MAX: Together with a reading indicates either maximum heart rate or
maximum speed.
MEASURE: Measure mode
MPH: Miles per hour
ODO, odometer: Measures cumulative total distance in Cycling mode.
Polar Coded Transmitter: Automatically locks in a code to transmit your
heart rate to your wrist receiver. In coded transmission the receiver accepts
heart rate data from your Polar Coded Transmitter only. Coding significantly
reduces crosstalk caused by other users of heart rate monitors. However, it
does not necessarily reduce all environmental interference.
Primary measurement display: In the Heart rate mode the middle
row of the display indicates either total exercising time, time of day or lap
time according to your settings.
RECO, Recovery heart rate: Decrease in heart rate during the pre-set
period of time.
RTIME, total riding time: measures cumulative riding time.
Secondary measurement displays: The secondary measurement
displays will be seen for a few seconds by bringing the wrist receiver next
to the Polar logo of the Polar Coded Transmitter for a moment. The
secondary measurement display depend on which of the three alternatives
was chosen for the primary measurement display.
SET: Set mode.
Target Zone limits: Target Zone limits are determined as percentages
of maximum heart rate. The percentages are converted into heart rate in
beats per minute.
PROXT GBR/E 7.2.2001, 09:0146-47