ZoneOptimizer you can estimate your daily physiological status by paying attention to how fast and how
easily you can do training at the recommended heart rates.
Start Training Session with Polar ZoneOptimizer
To use the ZoneOptimizer function in your training, set in on by selecting MENU > Settings > Heart rate
settings > ZoneOptimizer > On .
Before ZoneOptimizer determination, make sure that you have the Polar default Sport Zone limits in use
i.e. you have not modified the Sport Zone limits manually. If you want to modify the Sport Zone manually,
set the ZoneOptimizer function off.
To start the training session with ZoneOptimizer press OK.
When you see the ECG-curve on the top right hand corner on the display, you will know
that the heart rate measurement and ZoneOptimizer are on.
Select the sport profile you want to use for your training session with UP/DOWN and
press OK to start training.
Phase 1. Preparing for training session: Lots of heart rate variability.
1. The ZoneOptimizer determination starts. Start increasing your heart
rate slowly to 100 bpm. Spend at least 2 minutes above 70 bpm but
below 100 bpm.
This can be achieved by standing or with very light training intensity,
for example, walking slowly.
Because at this stage there is still a lot of heart rate variability, it’s
easy to detect daily changes. The alarm will sound, when the first part
of the determination is finished.
Phase 2. Warming up: heart rate rises slowly and heart rate variability decreases.
2. Continue training at light intensity. Increase heart rate gradually, and
keep it between 100 – 130 bpm for two minutes.
This can be achieved, for example, by walking briskly, or by
cycling/jogging at low intensity during warm up.
During this phase heart rate variability starts decreasing, and the body prepares for
higher intensities. The alarm will sound when the second part of the ZoneOptimizer
determination is finished.
The ZoneOptimizer determination may already finish here, if the heart rate
variation limit is reached .
Phase 3. Heart rate variability levels off.
3. Gradually increase your heart rate above 130 bpm (or 75% of your
HRmax) and keep it there.
This is the training phase where heart rate variability starts being at a
very low level, or it can almost disappear. All heart rate zone limits are
adjusted when your heart rate variation disappears. The duration of
the last phase is 6 minutes at maximum and you need to be above
130 bpm minimum of 30 seconds, or until your heart rate variation
can no longer be detected.
The alarm will sound, when the third and final part of the
determination is finished.
14 Training