L 108
-p: Predicted maximum heart
rate value.
Interval, Int: Options mode:
indicates Interval Training Set
Recording mode: Indicates interval
exercise session including warm-up,
interval and cool-down phases.
InZone/ Above/ Below: indicate
the time spent within, above and
below the target zone.
KCal: Indicates the energy
expenditure of your exercise.
Lp: Indicates lap time.
LAPS: Indicates how many lap times
have been stored.
Lim High: The higher heart rate
limit of the target zone.
Lim Low: The lower heart rate limit
of the target zone.
Limits1, 2, 3: Heart Rate Limits for
Target Zones 1, 2 and 3.
Limits S: Heart Rate Limits for
Summary Zone.
LRB, L - R*: Indicates the left and
right pedaling balance.
MAX: Together with a heart rate
reading indicates the highest heart
MAX %: Together with a heart rate
reading indicates heart rate as a
percentage of your maximum heart
Mem full: Appears on the display
when the memory is full. You can
continue your exercise and taking
lap times but they won’t be
recorded into the file.
Night Mode: Appears when the
display is illuminated in the
Measuring or Recording mode.
Odometer: Measures cumulative
total distance of several exercise
OPTIONS: Indicates the Options
OwnCal: Calculates energy
expenditure during exercise in
kilocalories. 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000
calories (cal). You can follow how
much energy you loose by exercising
in one exercise session or in a day,