To do the Jump test, go to Tests > Jump Test. To perform the test you need a Polar Stride Sensor
Bluetooth® Smart. For more information See "Polar Stride Sensor Bluetooth® Smart" on page 86
If you haven't paired a Polar Stride Sensor Bluetooth® Smart with V800, You need a Polar stride
sensor is displayed when trying to enter Jump Test.
Before performing any of the jump tests, make sure you have warmed up properly, especially your leg
muscles. When performing any of the tests, always use the same correct jumping technique to maximize the
comparability and reliability of the results.
Your latest test result is shown in Tests > Jump test > Latest result. Only your most recently performed test
result is shown. You can view your previous results in the V800 diary. For a visual analysis of your Jump test
results, go to the Flow web service and select the test from your Diary to view details from it.
The squat jump test measures explosive strength. This test is performed by starting with your knees bent in a
90 degree angle, and jumping vertically as high as possible from that position. Hands should be held on the
hips to avoid the effect of arm swinging to the test. Knees and ankles should be extended at take-off, and they
should be in a similar extended position when landing on the ball of the foot.
In the test you perform three attempts of the squat jump and the best attempt is the test result. Give yourself a
short recovery period between attempts to ensure maximal effort on every attempt.
Performing the Squat Jump
Wear the Polar Bluetooth® Smart Stride Sensor, and choose Jump test > Squat, and press START.
Searching for stride sensor is displayed. Squat jumps Start now! is shown when you can start the test.
1. Stand with your hands on your hips and knees bent in a 90 degree angle. Stay still for a few seconds.
2. Jump vertically without any countermovement.
3. Land with both feet with your legs straight and ankles extended.
4. Perform three attempts of the squat jump. Give yourself a short recovery period between attempts to
ensure maximal effort on every attempt.
It is important not to perform any kind of countermovement during the squat jump test.
During the test you will see the number jumps performed (1/3, 2/3 or 3/3), and the
height of your last jump e.g. 53 cm.