Suspension Troubleshooting
Edge 136 Suspen sion
Problem Solution (perform only one change at a time)
Rear suspension
bottoms too easily
- Increase torsion spring preload.
- Increase rear track compression damping by turning screw
on rear track shock clockwise (factory position full soft).
- Increase torsion spring wire diameter. SEE YOUR DEALER.
Rides too stiff in
- Check for binding suspension shafts and grease all
pivot points.
- Decrease torsion spring preload adjustments.
- Decrease rear track shock compression damping by turning
screw on rear track shock counterclockwise (factory
position full soft).
Machine darts from
side to side
- Make sure skis are aligned properly.
- Make sure spindles and all steering components are free
- Make sure skags are straight on skis.
- Check hi-fax and replace if worn.
- Reduce ski pressure:
SIncrease front track spring preload.
SReduce IFS spring preload by adjusting threaded collar.
SReduce rear torsion spring preload.
Front end pushes - Check for worn skags.
- Check binding suspension shafts and grease all pivot points.
- Increase front IFS preload by adjusting t hreaded collar.
- Adjut RRSS to a higher position.
Steering is heavy - Check ski alignment.
- Check skags and skis for damage.
- Reduce ski pressure:
SIncrease front track spring preload.
SReduce IFS spring preload by adjusting threaded collar.
SReduce rear torsion spring preload.
- Make sure spindles and all steering components are free
turning (elevate machine to check.
Too much weight
transfer under ac-
- Rotate RRSS to a higher position. See suspension setup decal
located under the hood.
Not enough weight
transfer under ac-
- Move RRSS to the rearward upper hole on high position.
See suspension setup decal located under the hood.