Front Gearcase (Demand Drive) Fluid
Always check and change the demand drive fluid at the intervals
outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 71.
Maintain the fluid level at the bottom of the fill hole threads. See page
126 for the part numbers of POLARIS products.
Fluid Recommendations
The fill plug is located on
the right side of the demand
drive unit. The drain plug is
located on the bottom right
side of the unit.
Fluid Check
1. Position the vehicle on
a level surface. Remove
the fill plug. Check the
fluid level.
2. Add the recommended demand drive fluid as needed to bring the
level to the bottom of the fill hole threads.
3. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to 8-10 ft. lbs. (11-14 Nm).
Fluid Change
1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. Remove the fill plug. Place a
drain pan under the demand drive unit.
2. Remove the drain plug. Allow the fluid to drain completely.
3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. Torque to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
4. Add the recommended fluid. See page 82 for capacity. Maintain the
fluid level at the bottom of the fill hole threads.
5. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to 8-10 ft. lbs. (11-14 Nm).
6. Check for leaks. Dispose of used fluid properly.
Gearcase Lubricant Capacity Fill Plug
Drain Plug
Demand Drive Fluid 9 oz.
(265 ml)
8-10 ft. lbs.
(11-14 Nm)
11 ft. lbs.
(15 Nm)
Drain Plug
Fill Plug
Fill Level