Pre-Ride Checklist
Failure to inspect and verify that the vehicle is in safe operating condi-
tion before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always inspect
the vehicle before each use to make sure it's in safe operating condition.
Item Remarks Page
Hand brake/lever travel Ensure proper operation 81
Foot brake Ensure proper operation 81
Brake fluid Ensure proper levels 79
Front suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 66
Rear suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 66
Steering Ensure free operation -
Tires Inspect condition and pressure 84
Wheels/fasteners Inspect, ensure fastener tightness 84
Frame nuts, bolts, fasteners Inspect, ensure tightness -
Fuel and oil Ensure proper levels 26
Coolant level Ensure proper level 77
Coolant hoses Inspect for leaks -
Throttle Ensure proper operation 22
Indicator lights/switches Ensure proper operation 20
Engine stop switch Ensure proper operation 21
Air filter, pre-filter Inspect, clean 86
Headlamp Check operation 21
Brake light/tail lamp Check operation 91
Riding gear Wear approved helmet, goggles, and
protective clothing
ADC Fluid Ensure proper level 74
Mirrors Adjust for best side/rear vision -