
Before fording streams always:
1. Determine water depths and current.
2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines.
3. Proceed slowly, avoiding rocks and obstacles if possible.
4. After crossing, dry the brakes by applying light pressure to the levers until braking
action is normal. If you do not perform this procedure, your brakes may be ineffec-
D Avoid operating the ATV through deep or fast flowing water. If you cannot
avoid water which exceeds the recommended maximum depth, go slowly, bal-
ance your weight carefully, avoid sudden movements, maintain a slow and
steady forward motion. Do not make sudden turns or stops and do not make
sudden throttle changes.
NOTE: If the vehicle is run in water, it is critical the machine is serviced as out-
lined in the maintenance chart beginning on page 117. The following areas need
special attention: engine oil, transmission oil, front and rear gearcases, and all
grease fittings.