
Printer Settings 39
Background Color
Background Color
specifies the background color of the image. This setting is ignored if the
application explicitly sets the background color in the image. Use Background Color to set the color of
unpainted regions to white for text applications like Word. Otherwise, you might end up with black text
on black background!
controls how the image is scaled for output. 100% keeps the image size unchanged. To
shrink the image, set the value to less than 100%. To expand the image, set the value to greater than
100%. The range of valid scaling values is 20% to 400%.
Minimum Exposure Time
This setting
applies mostly to very old film recorders that have no internal slice mark control
mechanisms. Minimum Exposure Time controls the exposure time of the film recorder to eliminate slice
marks (periodic faint horizontal lines) on the output. Normally Fastest Possible should be selected. If
there are slice marks on the output slide, set the minimum exposure time to 1.5 times the normal
processing time of the image. If slice marks are still there, increase the value and try again.
Color Balance
Color balance
controls the percentages of red, green and blue used in the film recorder. Normally,
each of the three colors is set to 100%. The range of valid color balance values is 25% to 400%.