OPTION #2 Receivers with full-range (unfiltered) left and right “PRE OUT”
jacks (this is the least commonly used hookup).
• Connect the left and right front preamp outputs to the left
and right inputs of the transmitter.
• Adjust the settings on your receiver as follows:
Front Speakers = LARGE
Subwoofer = OFF or NO
Note: When you set up your subwoofer for the first time, you will probably have
to make adjustments several times before you hear what you personally like.
• Volume: Adjust by ear using a wide variety of CDs and video sources.
Adjust for deep, powerful bass without “boominess.”
• Low Pass Filter Control: NOTE: This control does not operate when
the subwoofer is connected with Option #1 (LFE Input). This control,
which is located on the back of the amplifier, adjusts the frequency range
over which the subwoofer operates. When using smaller main speakers
the upper range of the control will probably yield the best results. With
larger speakers the lower end of the control range will probably sound
best, but always let your ear be the final judge. If male vocals sound
“thin,” turn this control up until the voice sounds rich but not “boomy.”
If male vocals sound too “thick” or chesty,” turn this control down
until the voice sounds natural.
• Phase Switch: Playing music and sitting in your listening position,
carefully listen for the point at which the subwoofer transitions to
your main speakers. This is the crossover point, and this point should
be below the frequency of a male human voice. Whichever phase
setting sounds louder or fuller at the subwoofer’s crossover point
is the optimum setting. Sometimes no difference will be heard.
Subwoofer does – Ensure the subwoofer is plugged
not power on. into a live wall outlet.
– Ensure the rear panel power switch
is in the “On” or “Auto” position.
No sound from – Turn up the volume control.
subwoofer. – Ensure the channel ID switches on the
transmitter and Wireless Subwoofer
are set to the same number.
Bass output not loud enough. – Turn up the Wireless Subwoofer’s
volume control.
– Place the Wireless Subwoofer closer
to a corner of the room.
The Subwoofer’s sound – Turn off both the the transmitter and the
is intermittent, sounds Wireless Subwoofer. Then turn them back
weak or is distorted. on to re-establish communication.
– Try changing settings of the Channel ID
switches on both the transmitter and the
Wireless Subwoofer.
– The Wireless Subwoofer could be too far
away from the transmitter to receive a
sufficiently strong signal. Try moving it closer.
If, after following these hookup directions, you experience difficulty, please
double-check all wire connections. Should you isolate the problem to the
subwoofer, contact the authorized Polk Audio dealer where you made your
purchase, or call Polk Audio’s friendly Customer Service Department at
1-800-377-7655 (calls from US or CAN only), 410-358-3600 9am to 6pm EST,
Monday through Friday.
You may also contact us via email: polkcs@polkaudio.com. For more detailed
hookup information and manual updates, visit: www.polkaudio.com.
Specifications can be found on the PSWi225 web pages.
Go to www.polkaudio.com.
DC 5V 1A
Customer Service Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 9AM-6PM EST polkcs@polkaudio.com 5
Like all wireless devices, your PSWi225 may be susceptible
to RF interference from such sources as microwave ovens,
WiFi computer systems, video game systems, cordless
telephones, blue tooth systems, baby monitors and other
devices. In particular, any devices operating in the 2.4GHz
band may cause intermittent wireless connections between
the PSWi225. It is also possible that your PSWi225 may affect
other wireless systems. For the most part, you can avoid wire-
less performance problems by physically separating these
devices from your PSWi225. Maintaining a distance of several
feet or more between your PSWi225 speaker and any wireless
device should prevent any mutual interference effects. If you do
notice any subwoofer signal dropouts take care to identify the
root cause (most commonly having other wireless devices too
close) and resolve accordingly. Any interference effects from a
microwave oven will cease once the oven stops operating and
may be resolved on a long-term basis by increasing the physical
distance between your PSWi225 and the microwave oven.
A Note Regarding Wireless Performance:
The two switches
must be set to the
same position for the
subwoofer to receive
a signal.