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• To installthe speaker,first carefullyremove thegrille using
a s traightenedpaperclip orother pointedmetal tool.Insert
the pointinto oneof thegrille perforationsnear acorner and
lift thegrille f ree.Never usea knifeor screwdriverto pry
between thegrille andthe speakerframe. Thiswill damage
your speaker.
• L oosenthe rotatingwall clampsby unscrewingthem. Make
sure thatthe rotatingwall clampsare f lippedinwards sothat
your speakerfits i ntoyour cutoutwithout nickingyour wall.
Then placethe speakercarefully intothe cutout[figure 1 3].
If youhave alevel, u seit tohelp youcorrectly alignthe
speaker. Tightenthe wallclamp screwswith ascrewdriver.
This w illrotate thewall clampsand securethe speakerto
the wall.Hint—on theRC55i,RC65i andRC85i models,
tighten thecenter screwsbefore tighteningthe cornersfor
the mostflush fitto yourwall. Donot overtightenthe wall
clamp screws[figure 14].
• P ourinstaller lehaut-parleur, retirezdélicatement lagrille
à l ’aided’un tromboneou d’unoutil pointu.Insérez lapointe
dans u ndes trousdans uncoin dela grilleet soulevezla grille.
N’utilisez jamaisun couteauou untournevis entrela grille
et lecadre pourretirer lagrille, ceciendommagera votre
• D esserrezles cramponsrotatifs enles dévissant.Assurez-vous
que lescrampons rotatifssont dirigésvers l’intérieurde façon
à c eque votrehaut-parleur puissepénétrer l’embrasuresans
érafler l emur oule plafond.Placez ensuitedélicatement le
haut-parleur dansl’embrasure [figure13]. Alignezcorrecte-
ment lehaut-parleur àl’aide d’unniveau. Resserrezles visdes
crampons avecun tournevis.Cela feratourner lescrampons et
fixera solidementvotre haut-parleurau murou a uplafond.
Conseil :pour l esmodèles RC55i, RC65iet RC85i,resserrez les
vis dumilieu avantde resserrerles visdes coins– lehaut-par-
leur seraainsi mieuxaffleuré. Neserrez pastrop lesvis des
crampons [figure14].
• C arefullyreinstall thegrille byfitting itinto i tsrecess sothat
it isjust restingon theframe. Startingwith onecorner, go
around t hespeaker andpush thegrille intothe grillenotch a
little bitat atime. B egentle; thegrille maybe easilybent out
of shapeby roughhandling. Youwill feela positive“snap”
when itis fullyin p lace.(Where’sthe corkscrew?)
• C arefullyreinstall thegrille byfitting itinto itsrecess sothat
it isjust restingon theframe. Startingwith onecorner, go
around t hespeaker andpush thegrille intothe grillenotch a
little bitat atime. B egentle; thegrille maybe easilybent out
of shapeby roughhandling. Youwill feela positive“snap”
when itis fullyin p lace.(Where’sthe corkscrew?)
Tightenretainingwallclampsto engagewall.Usea
Aprietelasprensas deretencióndelapared para
engancharelaltavoz alapared.Useun destornillador
PhillipsNo.2 oundestornilladoreléctrico.
Reserrezlesattaches muralespourfixersolidementl'unité aumur.
Utilisezuntournevis ouuneperceuseàtête Phillipsno2.
ZiehenSiedie Wandklemmen fest,umdasSysteman derWandzu
befestigen.Verwenden SiedazueinenKreuzschlitzschraubendreher
(Nr.2) odereinenSchraubendrehermit Motorantrieb.
Coloquecuidadosamenteel altavozenelagujero.
Placezdélicatementle haut-parleurdansl’ouverture.
PlatzierenSiedie Lautsprechervorsichtiginder