122 Configuring KIRK Wireless Server 600v3
14117800, Ed.2.6
1 Under the Configuration menu, click LDAP, and then click Replicator.
Figure 64 Adm. Page: Configuration/LDAP/Replicator page
2 In the Server field, type the IP address of the LDAP Server.
3 In the User name field,
type the user name.
4 In the Pass
word field, type the password.
5 Select the Enab
le check box.
6 Clic
k OK.
7 Clic
k Reset (under Administration menu) to save your configuration.
The alternative LDAP Server is now configured.
7.7 Configuring Single-Cell Solution through KIRK Configuration Tool
Note: Using the Configuration Tool is recommended when configuring medium-sized to
large installations. It is possible, though, to use the Configuration Tool for single-cell
configuration as well.
For information on accessing the Confi
guration Tool, refer to “Accessing the KIRK
Configuration Tool” on page 81.
This section describes how to configu
re a KWS600v3 Single-cell solution.