Using the Touch Panel
Calling with the Classic UI
This section describes how to use the Classic UI to:
• Speed dial video and audio calls
• Manually dial video and audio calls
• Hang up video and audio calls
Speed Dialing Calls
To enable you to speed dial calls, your system administrator must first set up
the speed dial numbers for your site. Each of these speed dial numbers will
correspond to a Speed Dial button on the Home screen. The Speed Dial buttons
can also be set up to call traditional (standalone) video conferencing systems
or audio-only sites.
With the Classic UI, you cannot initiate multipoint calls; therefore, Speed Dials
cannot be set up to call Immersive Telepresence sites or multiple sites at one
time. You can, however, join multipoint calls that have been initiated by other
sites, or a VNOC or bridge can initiate the multipoint calls.
If you want to add or remove any of the video or audio Speed Dial buttons on
your Touch Panel, contact your system administrator. Your system
administrator can refer to the Polycom Immersive Telepresence (ITP)
Administrator’s Guide for information about how to change the Speed Dial