Polycom, Inc. 39
Advanced Scheduling Operations
This chapter describes how users with advanced scheduler permissions have
more options when scheduling conferences using the Polycom
Management Application™ (CMA™) system.
When scheduling conferences, users with advanced scheduler permissions
• Edit Conference Settings
• Select a Bridge for a Conference
• Create a Cascaded Conference Across Multiple Bridges
Edit Conference Settings
If you have Scheduler Permissions and an Advanced Scheduling level, you
can overwrite certain conference template settings as described here.
However, be careful when doing so. If you have an environment with mixed
MCU types (e.g., with both Polycom MGC and RMX systems), and the
conference you schedule is hosted on a Polycom RMX system, some of the
settings you specify here may be overridden by the RMX profile.
You can edit conference settings only for scheduled conferences. You cannot
edit conference settings for active conferences.
• A profile is a collection of advanced conference settings that reside on the MCU
(Polycom MGC or RMX system). Only an RMX profile can override conference
template settings. For more information about conference templates, profiles,
and your conferencing configuration, contact your Polycom CMA system
• Two conferences scheduled with the same template may have different settings
and behavior if they land on different types of MCUs.