Administrator’s Guide for Polycom QDX 6000 Systems
Diagnostic Screen Description
Near End Loop Tests the internal audio encoders and decoders, the
external microphones and speakers, the internal video
encoders and decoders, and the external cameras and
Monitor 1 displays the video and plays the audio that would
be sent to the far site in a call.
This test is not available when you are in a call.
PING Tests whether the system can establish contact with a
far-site IP address that you specify.
PING returns abbreviated Internet Control Message
Protocol results. It returns H.323 information only if the far
site is configured for H.323.
If the test is successful, the Polycom QDX 6000 system
displays a message indicating that the IP address under
test is available.
Trace Route Tests the routing path between the local system and the IP
address entered.
If the test is successful, the Polycom QDX 6000 system lists
the hops between the system and the IP address you
Diagnostic Screen Description
Video Diagnostics Tests the color settings of your monitor for optimum picture
If the color bars generated during the test are not clear, or
the colors do not look correct, the monitor needs to be