NetEngine IAD User Guide
Voice Path Configuration 163
4. Reset the IAD (page 15) when you finish voice path configuration.
Changing the Maximum CPS-SDU Size
1. Type S to switch the maximum CPS payload size between 45 and 64
2. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu. Included
in the settings is a payload size message indicating 45 or 64 octets.
3. Reset the IAD (page 15) when you finish voice path configuration.
Setting the Combined Use Timer
1. Type T to modify the combined use timer (in 5 ms increments). The
IAD displays this prompt:
New "Combined Use" timer period in 5ms increment:
Type the new timer period and press Enter.
2. The IAD updates the setting and displays the menu.
3. Reset the IAD (page 15) when you finish voice path configuration.
Enabling and Disabling User State Control
1. Type U to enable or disable user state control by toggling the state.
2. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu. Included
in the settings is a USC message indicating that it is enabled or
3. Reset the IAD (page 15) when you finish voice path configuration.
Enabling and Disabling Dialed Digit
1. Type D to enable or disable dialed digit by toggling the state.
2. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu. Included
in the settings is a message indicating that dialed digit will be enabled
or disabled after reset.
3. Reset the IAD (page 15) when you finish voice path configuration.
Setting ATM Pace Control Manually
Type A to set ATM Pace Control manually. The IAD displays this menu:
Figure 7–24. Manual ATM Pace Control Menu
Type the option for the command to execute and proceed to the
appropriate section.
Enabling and Disabling Manual ATM Pace Control
1. Type P to enable or disable pace control.
2. The IAD displays:
Manual ATM Pace Control
Manual ATM pace control is disabled
Audio bit rate margin is 0%
Minimum signaling bit rate is 0bps
P. Manual ATM Pace Control
A. Audio Bit Rate Margin
M. Minimum Signaling Bit Rate