Polycom Immersive Telepresence (ITP) User’s Guide
• If you are left-handed and are planning to use the document camera, sit at
the seat marked in blue above. Additionally, you may not want anyone to
sit at the seat marked in red so that you have more room to use the
document camera.
Meeting Coordinator Tips
When coordinating video meetings in a Polycom RPX suite or a Polycom OTX
room, you perform many of the same tasks as you would when you coordinate
any other meeting. For example, you should try to begin and end your meeting
on time and you may want to prepare an agenda.
As the meeting coordinator, follow these additional guidelines:
• If you are going to show content, check your laptop and ensure that your
sound, graphics, video clips, or complicated graphic presentations work
• Arrive early to ensure that the room is ready to go and, if any room
adjustments are necessary, they can be made prior to the meeting.
• Ask the primary participants in the video meeting to sit at the center seats
at the table.
• If your meeting is going to end early or run long, you may have to inform
your system administrator or, if your organization has signed up for
Video Network Operations Center (VNOC) services, you may have to
inform the VNOC. For more information about scheduling meetings, refer
to the following section.
• Some RPX suites have data ports and power connections available in each
table leg. If your suite is so equipped, remind the participants that they can
access their email, the web, or anything else on the network by bringing in
their own laptops and connecting them to these.
Reserving a Polycom ITP Room
In some organizations, you can use a Polycom ITP room at any time, whereas
at other organizations, you must reserve the room.
When reserving an ITP room, keep these guidelines in mind:
• If your organization has signed up for VNOC services, you can typically
make your room reservation through the VNOC. The operators there will
not only help you make a reservation, but they will also monitor the
network and resources during the meeting, and provide remote site
management to make sure your meeting runs as you planned.
• Whenever you schedule a telepresence conference, consider time zone
differences for the various participants.